CBD Oil vs Tincture: What is the Difference?

CBD oil vs tincture image

Among many CBD product choices, two of the most commonly debated options are CBD oil and CBD tincture. They both look quite similar to each other and many people think they are the same thing and often use them interchangeably.

But are they the same thing and if not then how do they differ and which one is better? 

In this article, we’ll delve into the nuances of CBD oil and CBD tincture to help you make an informed decision about which might be the best fit for your needs. 

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil, short for cannabidiol oil, is a highly sought-after CBD product that has gained immense popularity for its potential health and wellness benefits. The CBD used in the makings of CBD oil is primarily sourced from hemp plants. 

CBD oil is highly versatile and comes in various concentrations, allowing you to select a strength that suits your needs. You can also consume CBD oil in various ways, whether you prefer taking it by mouth through sublingual administration, or you can add it to your favorite foods and drinks, or you can even apply it directly to your skin. 

This adaptability makes CBD oil a top choice for people looking for a convenient and customizable way to incorporate CBD into their daily lives.

How is CBD oil made?

Making CBD oil involves extracting CBD and other beneficial compounds from hemp plants. This extraction process is done using methods like CO2 extraction or solvent extraction. 

Once the valuable compounds are extracted, the CBD-rich extract is mixed with a carrier oil like MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) oil, hemp seed oil, coconut oil, and olive oil, among others, resulting in CBD oil.

What is CBD tincture?

CBD tincture is another immensely popular CBD product that offers people a unique and effective way to enjoy the potential benefits of CBD. Just like CBD oil, it’s derived primarily from hemp plants, which are well-known for their abundant CBD content and low levels of THC.

One of the standout features of CBD tinctures is their speed of action. Because of the alcohol base, they are absorbed more rapidly into the body, typically leading to quicker onset times. 

Furthermore, CBD tinctures also come in various flavors, ranging from natural to fruit-infused, making them a more appealing option if you are not fond of the earthy taste of CBD oil.

How is CBD tincture made?

The process of creating CBD tinctures involves steeping CBD-rich hemp flowers in high-proof alcohol, such as ethanol or isopropyl alcohol. 

This meticulous process allows the alcohol to extract CBD and other beneficial compounds from the hemp. After the extraction, the mixture is heated to evaporate the alcohol, leaving behind a potent CBD tincture.

CBD oil vs tincture. What is the difference?



CBD Tincture


It is made when extracted CBD is mixed with carrier oil

It is made by soaking hemp flowers in high-proof alcohol

Absorption Speed

Gradual onset (30 min – 2 hours)

Rapid onset (15-45 minutes)


Taste can vary but usually comes in natural flavor options.

Often available in various flavors


Precise dropper for dosing

Precise dropper for dosing


Can be taken orally, added to food, or applied topically

Primarily for oral use only, limited topical applications


Prices vary by brand and concentration

Prices vary by brand and concentration

CBD oil and CBD tincture have their unique charms, and understanding the differences can help you pick the one that suits your preferences and needs. 

Their composition: CBD oil, like a classic homemade recipe, is made by extracting CBD and other beneficial compounds from hemp and mixing them with a carrier oil, often MCT or hemp seed oil. 

In contrast, CBD tinctures are more like a potent herbal extract, created by soaking CBD-rich hemp flowers in high-proof alcohol to extract CBD and other essential elements. It’s akin to crafting a unique cocktail from hand-picked ingredients.

Absorption speed: CBD oil offers a gradual, slow release of effects if you use it sublingually, however, if you use it via food and beverages it will take more time to absorb.

On the other hand, CBD tinctures, with their alcohol base, absorb rapidly, delivering a comparatively quick response.

Taste: The taste of CBD oil can vary depending on brands and their offerings but they usually come in a natural earthy, hemp-like flavor option. 

CBD tinctures, on the other hand, often come in more flavor options than oils like cherry, orange, mint, cotton candy, and more. 

Versatility: CBD oil is as versatile as a multi-tool; it can be taken orally or sublingually, mixed into food and beverages, or applied topically. 

While, CBD tinctures are primarily for oral use only, and due to their alcohol base they can’t be mixed with food and beverages without altering their taste.

CBD oil vs tincture: Which is right for you?

When it comes to the choice between CBD oil and CBD tincture, it’s all about your personal preference and specific needs. Each has its own set of characteristics that can appeal to different individuals. Ultimately, experimentation with both is key to finding what works best for you.

However, keep in mind that many CBD brands often sell CBD oil as CBD tincture or they usually address them as CBD oil tincture but they are typically CBD oil. 

Nevertheless, you can find a few brands that sell genuine CBD tinctures in the market.

Final thoughts

The world of CBD products is filled with choices, and CBD oil and tincture are just two of the many options available. 

Your choice ultimately comes down to personal preferences, intended use, and how your body responds to each product. 

Always opt for high-quality, reputable brands to ensure you’re getting a safe and effective product, and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or questions about using CBD.


The information in this article is intended for general use only and may not always be appropriate for everyone’s needs. Your health and wellness are unique to you, so before acting on anything we say, seek personalized advice from a medical professional.

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